Spicy coleslaw with vinegar dressing

Spicy slaw and other sides are vital to a perfect BBQ party!A lot of people like the creamy coleslaw I have posted about earlier on this site. I think it’s perfect on buns for burgers and pulled pork. But as a side to steak, pork chops, bratwurst and more – I personally prefer a vinegar based coleslaw. Another plus of course is that a vinegar based coleslaw is super healthy and almost free of calories, which means I can eat even more smoked meat. So, how about this for a spicy, vinegary slaw for your next BBQ?

Time: 15 minutes
Skill Level: Easy


What you will need:

  • 1/2 a head of cabbage
  • 3 carrots
  • 1-6 finely chopped fresh chilies (depending on the level of fire you want)
  • 1 tsp maldon salt
  • 1 tsp celery seed
  • 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 cup of cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp dijon mustard
  • Some hot sauce


How to do it:

Find yourself a large salad bowl, and chuck in the salt, celery seed, pepper, vinegar, olive oil, mustard, and a couple tsp of your favorite hot sauce. Whisk it all together into a lovely dressing, adding more salt/pepper/hot sauce to taste. Chop your cabbage, carrots and chilies the way you like them (I’m lazy, so I grate it all in my food processor…), and throw it in there. Mix well. I think this slaw tastes best if I make it in the morning and let it sit in the fridge until dinner time. Enjoy!

Heit coleslaw med chili og edikkdressing

Spicy slaw and other sides are vital to a perfect BBQ party!Mange liker coleslaw med majones- fløte- eller rømme-basert dressing, som jeg har lagt ut oppskrift på tidligere på denne bloggen. Sånn coleslaw synes jeg er perfekt på burgerbrød eller brød til pulled pork. Men som tilbehør til kylling, en god biff, deilig røkt bratwurst eller en knallgod svinekotelett synes jeg denne edikkbaserte coleslawen med chili er mye mer spennende. Ett annet pluss med denne typen coleslaw er selvsagt at den er nesten blottet for kalorier og sunn som fy. Så da kan man spise enda mer røkt kjøtt, ikke sant? Prøv denne coleslawen neste gang du skal ha grillfest!

Tid: 15 minutter
Vanskelighetsgrad: Enkel

Hva trenger du:

  • 1/2 hodekål
  • 3 gulrøtter
  • 1-6 finhakkede chilie (antall og type er opp til deg, hvor sterkt vil du ha det?)
  • 1 ts maldon-salt
  • 1 ts sellerifrø
  • 1 ts nykvernet sort pepper
  • 1/2 kopp eplesideredikk
  • 2 ss olivenolje
  • 2 ss Dijon-sennep
  • Tabasco eller din favoritt chilisaus

Finn deg en stor salatbolle, hiv oppi salt, sellerifrø, pepper, edikk, olivenolje, sennep og noen teskjeer med chilisaus. Visp alt sammen godt til en fin dressing, og smak til med salt/pepper/chilisaus. Hakk opp kål, gulrøtter og chili slik du liker dem (jeg er lat så jeg pleier rive alt i food processor..), og hiv det i bollen. Bland alt sammen godt, og du er klar! Jeg synes denne smaker best om den lages på morgenkvisten eller dagen før den skal spises, så den får stå i kjøleskapet og godgjøre seg en stund.

Grilled pears and ice cream!

Grilled up pears are tasty!When it comes to dessert, I am usually not a fan. I just like dinner too much, so when that’s over all I am so full all I really want is some some quiet and a glass of good bourbon on the deck… Which I guess is why I go for dessert that are easy to make. This one was super easy, but the feedback from my dinner guests was awesome, so here – you can have it too. This dessert is very little work if you prep the glaze beforehand, which is perfect, because spending your time by the grill while everyone else is chilling after dinner is never fun!

What you need for 4 people:
4-6 pears, nice and ripe, but still firm
A box of quality vanilla ice cream
0.5 cup of good bourbon (I used Maker’s Mark)
A couple cinnamon sticks
1 tsp hot chili flakes, or more, depending
0.5 cup of 100% natural maple syrup
The juice from half a lemon
3-4 tbsp of brown sugar to taste

How to make the glaze (can be made ahead):

  • Put everything except the pears in a saucepan
  • Heat it slowly and let it simmer 10-15 minutes to reduce it
  • Optional but tasty: Caramelize the sugar. This can be hard without a candy thermometer, so you might need one. Just make sure you don’t burn the sugar, because that’s not tasty.
  • Remember, this stuff will thicken when cold. Try and get a thick syrupy consistency at room temp, that will make it easier when glazing time comes

How to grill the pears:


  • I grilled my pears whole. That was not the best idea. What you should do and I willDSC_2047 next time; peel the pears and cut off the stem, quarter them so you can easily slice out the core
  • Grill them over direct heat first to get some beautiful sear marks
  • Place in a grill pan over indirect, pour/brush the glaze on. Turn and scoop some glaze over them every 10 minutes. I had a dome temp of about 150-160C (300-320F)
  • Mine were done after about half an hour. You want them to be soft but not mushy
  • Serve with some quality vanilla ice cream and pour the glaze over as a sauce. Tasty!

ABT’s with hot chorizo and vegetable filling

ABT’s are great as an appetizer or side dish if you’re cooking something low & slow and have some extra space on your grill. Why they’re called atomic bomb turds, I do not know. It’s kind of a weird name for a food item, but there ya go. That’s what it means. You can use all kinds of stuff to put into the chillies, but in this recipe I went for a simple filling with some vegetables, cream cheese and hot chorizo sausage. I also used some good pancetta instead of the traditional bacon to wrap them, but you can use either, and it will be fantastically good. The union of hot chillies, bacon and tons of apple smoke is a tasty one indeed. Just make sure you make enough of them, I’d say 3-4 per person as a minimum for a starter.

Prep time: 10-15 minutes
Time on the grill: 90-120 minutes
Grilling method: Indirect, with smoke
Grilling temperature: 130 Centigrade lid temp (266F)

What you need:
5 Largish peppers of your choosing. I found some large chillies at my local market
10 strips of good bacon or pancetta
Some cream cheese, I used Philadelphia with much success
A little bit of hot chorizo sausage
A little yellow onion
One green pepper
Two mushrooms
Some toothpicks (not the ones with mint flavor…)

How you do it:

  • Slice your chillies lengthwise, and deseed them
  • Mix cream cheese with some finely chopped mushroom, green pepper and onion. You can use almost anything in here, I’m sure shrimp or crab meat would be good, different cheeses, have fun with it and experiment
  • Spread a thick layer of the cheese mix in each chilli half
  • Wrap each chilli half in bacon or pancetta, use toothpicks to secure the bacon if it doesn’t work out without them
  • Put them on the indirect side of your grill and smoke them using apple or cherry wood for 90-120 minutes
  • Enjoy, and watch out for any heart attack symptoms